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Teaching Survey Research in Software Engineering

Marcos Kalinowski
Allysson Allex Araújo
Daniel Mendez


In this chapter, we provide advice on how to effectively teach survey research based on lessons learned from several international teaching experiences on the topic and from conducting large-scale surveys published at various scientific conferences and journals. First, we provide teachers with a potential syllabus for teaching survey research, including learning objectives, lectures, and examples of practical assignments. Thereafter, we provide actionable advice on how to teach the topics related to each learning objective, including survey design, sampling, data collection, statistical and qualitative analysis, threats to validity and reliability, and ethical considerations. The chapter is complemented by online teaching resources, including slides covering an entire course.

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90 minute tutorial (MSc and PhD level)


Among observational studies, surveys allow a significant amount of generalisation since they tend to sample larger populations than other more controlled methods such as experiments. When starting a research endeavour, especially inside a novel domain, it is often difficult to assess the potential relevance of specific tools, techniques, and language. Surveys are able to address such a need and provide a snapshot of the current state of the practice on a specific topic. As such, they represent a powerful asset in researcher’ toolboxes.

In this tutorial, we will introduce into the basics and tools of survey research in software engineering and discuss typical pitfalls in a hands-on manner. As part of the tutorial, we will further directly design in groups a specific survey in a hands-on manner; either based on pre-defined research questions or based on particular proposals given by the participants.


In this tutorial, we will show how surveys can be used to investigate software engineering topics.

We will cover the following aspects:

  • Introduction to survey research in context of empirical software engineering research
  • Survey methodology: a general framework to understand the specific components in the design and implementation of a survey
  • Tools and pitfalls to watch out: a general overview and exchange on typical pitfalls when running surveys especially with the industry

The presentation will mix theoretical background, examples, and discussions on cases that participant are encouraged to bring to the general discussion. We further plan for a short hands-on session where participants can design their own survey to be distributed among the audience of the conference.

Who should attend?

Anyone considering survey research in context of his work.

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Complete course (MSc Level)

Slides for course at MSc level for up to 12 units

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